Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethnic Variability Of Hispanic Latino - 936 Words

An Analysis of the Ethnic Variability of the Latino/Hispanic Group in the United States Census (112) The historical development of ethnic categorization as a distinct concept from race in the U.S. Census was defined through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in October 1997. This criterion was meant to discern between biological/genetic factors and the ethnic aspects of Latino/Hispanic identity as part of this governmental decree: â€Å"The racial and ethnic categories set forth in the standards should not be interpreted as being primarily biological or genetic in reference† (The White, 2015, para.17). Therefore, 1997 was the specific date in which this policy became active in distinguishing race from ethnicity in population variability in the Hispanic/Latino community. In terms of Hispanic/Latino identity, the five most common subgroups are Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, South American, or Spanish. This broad category defines the underlying premise of ethnic identity versus that of the biological racial characteristics that are typically categorized by Asian, Black, White, Native American, and Pacific Islander. This is why Hispanic/Latino ethnic identity differentiates between race and ethnicity because being â€Å"Hispanic† does not necessarily define the basic racial requirements. U.S. Citizens that are defined as being â€Å"Black† in the U.S. Census are typically of African origin, yet the process of Spanish colonization in South America from 15th to the 19thShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Kenan Malik s The Meaning Of Race : Race, History And Culture906 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent races at the same time. A person can be an African, Asian, Caucasian, European, and/or Icelander at the same time. Most biologists agree that human genetic variability between populations is not much greater than within those populations, although the degree of variations depend, in part, on the measure of genetic variability a biologist chooses. Apart from the visible morphological characteristics of one’s skin color, hair texture, and bone structure, by which most people assign people intoRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rates in California and the United States Based on Race and Ethnicity 1379 Words   |  6 PagesBetween 1990 and 2012, high school graduation rates in 25-29-year-olds have increased from 86 to 90 percent; this overall national rise is reflected in each of the ethnicities, White, Hispanic, Black, and Asian/Pacific Islander (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2013a). Prior to 2012, nationwide standardized objective measures did not exist for measuring four-year high school graduation rates; tracking educational progress varied from state to state. Thus, st ate education data collectedRead MorePoverty, Immigration, Social Welfare, And Imprisonment, By Robert Crutchfield And David Pettinicchio1161 Words   |  5 Pagesauthor, Diane Dirette, defines race and ethnicity. Her reasoning was based on the fact that race and ethnicity are two different concepts that are often deemed interchangeable. For this reason, the U.S. Census Bureau has two ethnic groups listed: Hispanic/Latino or non-Hispanic/Latino; however, race is generalized as white and non-white. From the 1950s-1960s, race was used as a healthcare research variable to contribute to segregation by claiming that minorities are biologically inferior to whites. AsRead MoreDiscrimination And Bias : The Interview Process And The Resulting Effects On Employee Selection1292 Words   |  6 Pagesparticipant groups were used for this study including 100 interviewers and 200 interview candidates. The interviewer group consisted of 25 Caucasian, 25 African-American, 25 Asian, and 25 Latino/ Hispanic interviewers. The interview candidates consisted of 50 Caucasian, 50 African-American, 50 Asian, and 50 Latino/Hispanic participants. Materials Materials for the study consisted of a computer-simulated interview allowing for a blind interview process and a standardized set of interview questions. ProcedureRead MoreThe Link Between Ethnic Discrimination And Self Esteem Opens The Door For The Development Of Strategies Essay2094 Words   |  9 Pagesdominate media, strained race relations can lead to the development of racial and ethnic identities, which often play a major role in an individual’s self-perception. For adolescents in particular, receiving criticism of these identities has been found to be inversely related to levels of self-esteem (Greene, Way, Pahl, 2006; Zeiders, Umaà ±a-Taylor, Derlan, 2013). Investigation of the link between perceived ethnic discrimination and self-esteem opens the door for the development of strategies toRead MoreNudity, Gender And Cultural And Religious Backgrounds Essay2049 Words   |  9 Pagesincluded Asian, White, African American and Latino households. Half of the 18-year-old participants were raised in American society and came from a white background with a strict Christian influence. The remaining half of the 18 year-old participants was Catholic and from a Latino household. The 19-year-old male and the 20-year-old female came from a liberal white household and had no religious affiliation. The male of age 22 also came from a Hispanic and Catholic household but had no religious affiliationRead MoreChapter 5 Outline5565 Words   |  23 Pagesgroup†¨D.  ethnic group    2.  In order for a group to be considered an ethnic group they must  Ã¢â‚¬ ¨A.  look different than the members of other ethnic groups.†¨B.  speak the same language as other members of the group.†¨C.  share an identity they see as different from that of others on society.†¨D.  All of these choices are true.    3.  Which of these statements regarding the variability of a group’s ethnic identity is true?  Ã¢â‚¬ ¨A.  A group’s ethnic identity is constant; it does not change over time.†¨B.  Ethnic identityRead MoreObesity And The United States2030 Words   |  9 Pagesstudies show a significant relationship between those two variables, three of them found no relationship. At a county-level, only two studies (Holzer, Canavan and Bradley 2014; Slack, Myers, Martin et al. 2014) have investigated the geographical variability in the rate of obesity. They discovered that higher obesity rates were linked with counties with lower number of dentists per capita, higher percentages of African Americans, higher rates of unemployment, lower rates of educational attainment andRead MoreOrgan System Of Organ Transplantation3687 Words   |  15 Pagesprospective donor’s organs. In Deceased Organ Donation Consent Rates among Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Older Patients, G oldberg (2013), the question about the disproportion between available donors and hopeful recipients is explored. In this study, data provided by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) showed that rate of consent varied in different ethnic groups (i.e. Caucasian, Blacks, Hispanic, and Asian) and age in cases of eligible deaths. According to this work, theRead MoreOrgan System Of Organ Transplantation3687 Words   |  15 Pagesprospective donor’s organs. In Deceased Organ Donation Consent Rates among Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Older Patients, Goldberg (2013), the question about the disproportion between available donors and hopeful recipients is explored. In this study, data provided by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) showed that rate of consent varied in different ethnic groups (i.e. Caucasian, Blacks, Hispanic, and Asian) and age in cases of eligible deaths. According to this work, the

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