Thursday, February 27, 2020

Part Two of Project (Stilsim Company) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Part Two of Project (Stilsim Company) - Essay Example rganizations and their business processes are surrounded by a complex web of factors which are responsible for how ell that organization or business performs financially and as a whole. These factors can be simplified by their division into two broad categories. These are: The internal environment of an organization constitutes the elements of an organization’s working parts that is the organizational culture, its employees, and in a nut-shell the factors which are internal to the organization that is the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. The external factors on the other hand are quite different. These are the factors which make up the opportunities and the threats that are present in the external environment for the organization. Opportunities and threats are interspersed in the environment surrounding a firm and they present not only a challenge but in the long term also helps organizations achieve growth and prosperity. Changes such as those that occur in technology or social needs and the policies of the government are all problems that present themselves in the form of opportunities and threats for organizations. Following are some of the major sources of opportunity for a firm: In one sense the opportunities for a firm are also similar to the threats as in they are both external to the environment but this is where the similarities end. The threats are issues that no one wants to discuss but which are important to be overcome for the success of an organization. The threats include: A thorough analysis of the business environment around Stilsim shows that a large number of both threats and opportunities exist for the organization. To begin with, we will discuss the opportunities that exist for the company. The world today has changed drastically and totally. The things that are possible today with the aid of computers provide a wide array of possibilities that the firm can take up. For beginners, the firm has the opportunity to market itself

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Health Promotion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Health Promotion - Research Paper Example Moreover, the consideration of the change programs and the various initiatives implemented to reduce these factors in a health promotion program. The health belief model (HBM) was developed in the 1950s by some social psychologists to explain why some individuals do not use health services such as screening and immunization. The theory has advanced to address newer concerns in detection and prevention (for instance influenza vaccines and mammography screening) as well as lifestyle mannerisms such as injury prevention and risk behaviors associated with sexual tendencies (Noar, Chabot & Zimmerman, 2008). The HBM hypothesizes that individuals beliefs on whether or not they are at risk for a health problem or disease, and their acumens on the benefits of taking action to avoid the risk, influences their willingness to take action. For instance, if an individual feels that their lifestyle may lead to diseases such as obesity, or diabetes, they may take the necessary actions such as eating healthier foods or becoming physically active to prevent those risks from occurring. The key concepts of the theory are: perceived severity and susceptibility, perceived benefits obtained from the action, perceived barriers to the action, cues to action and self-efficacy. HBM is often applied to asymptomatic and prevention-related health concerns such as the early detection of cancer and hypertension screening where opinions are as important as or more important than obvious symptoms. It is also relevant to interventions to lessen risk factors for cardiovascular disease. According to the theory therefore, people indulge in health programs only if the perceived risks and problems are severe. They then stop the health programs once the risks have reduced. The Trans-theoretical model (TTM) was developed from studies of the processes of change in psychotherapy and smoking cessation (De Vries & Mudde2008). The